Tag: medicare tucson

2024 Medicare Choices

Medicare Choices

Here is an introduction to your Medicare choices for 2024. The video explains how Medicare works, Medicare supplements, Part D, and Medicare Advantage.

Part D Plan Preferred Pharmacies

medicare part d pill bottle

Part D plan preferred pharmacies make using the Medicare.gov Plan Finder difficult and confusing. That’s because Medicare.gov only allows me to put in two pharmacies as I’m searching for drug plans for my clients. I think I am a know-it-all when…

Medicare Advantage Problem

medicare advantage problem

My neighbor called me recently about her Medicare Advantage problem.  Renee has a pacemaker to keep her heart beating properly – but she nearly had a heart attack when her Medicare Advantage plan told her she was not eligible to…

Healthcare Costs in Tucson

When it comes to healthcare costs in Tucson, we are a low-cost healthcare market compared to the rest of the country – according to a report by the Healthcare cost Institute. You can read the report summary here: Healthy Marketplace Index…

UnitedHealthcare Contract Dispute

unitedhealthcare logo

Uh oh.  A UnitedHealthcare  contract dispute with Northwest Healthcare is going to cause problems for lots of people who live on the northwest side of Tucson. Northwest Healthcare owns Oro Valley Hospital, Northwest Medical Center, and Northwest Allied Physicians. UnitedHealthcare provides…

Medicare Coverage Mistake

Thousands of people make a serious Medicare coverage mistake because they don’t know the rules.  They think they don’t need to sign up for Part B of Medicare (and pay a premium) because they have COBRA, or a retiree plan,…

Medicare Coverage for Home Infusion

medicare coverage for home infusion

Medicare coverage for home infusion services is a problem for really sick people. Why is there no Medicare coverage for home infusion? I was checking on this because a young woman called me and asked if I could find her…

Medicare Part D Is Rigged System.

Medicare part d is rigged

Medicare Part D is rigged.  It is rigged to rip off seniors. This being the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period, I’m checking my clients’ drug lists and I’m finding so many things I don’t like about Part D drug coverage. How…

Big Changes To Medicare Coming Soon

Big changes to Medicare are coming soon – now that Republicans are in charge.  And Social Security is certainly on the table because it makes up 25% of the federal budget. Most voters over 55 favored Donald Trump – and…

Medicare costs are going up in 2017

Medicare costs are going up in 2017.  Most people on Medicare currently pay a Part B premium of $104.90.  That will go up in January to about $109. For people who are new to Medicare, or those who are not…

Checking in on my Medicare clients

checking in on my medicare clients

I’m checking in on my Medicare clients because the Medicare Open Enrollment Period is coming up. I try to call many of my clients to see if they are happy with their Medicare Advantage plan because this is the time…

Medicare Open Enrollment

Medicare Open Enrollment Period

Medicare Open Enrollment is October 15th to December 7th. During the Medicare Open Enrollment Period, people can change their Medicare Advantage plan or their Part D plan. Their new plan begins on January 1, 2017. There are some important changes to…

How much a knee replacement costs

Do you know how much a knee replacement costs?  I received this infographic from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona. It looks like Blue Cross Blue Shield negotiates different prices with different providers – and negotiated prices can be a lot…

Politics and Medicare

politics and medicare

Politics and Medicare are featured in a recent NPR story. Here are highlights from the NPR story on politics and Medicare: The challenge for Medicare is not to expand benefits, but to figure out a way to control future cost…

How To Pay Your Medicare Premium

medicare help in 2017

You can pay your Medicare premium in several ways. This info on how to pay your Medicare premium is from the Medicare.gov website: If you get Social Security, Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) benefits, or Civil Service benefits, your Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) premium will…

Ryan Plan for Medicare is Terrible

ryan plan for medicare

The Ryan plan for Medicare is terrible.  Let me count the ways: As a health insurance broker, I meet people every month who are desperate for Medicare and good health insurance. These are self-employed people, or unemployed people, or people…

Senior Health Insurance Program Funding Cut

senior health insurance plan funding cut

It looks like a nationwide senior health insurance program could be killed by budget cuts in Washington. Kaiser Health News headline reads: Panel Kills Medicare Program That Offers Help On Enrollment, Billing Issues. The State Health Insurance Assistance Program, or “SHIP,” is…

Medicare Coverage for Chiropractor Services

medicare coverage for chiropractor services

Medicare coverage for chiropractor services can cause billing problems. That’s because Medicare covers certain services among the many things a chiropractor does for a patient – and the patient could end up with a very big bill she thought would be paid by Medicare.

Extra Help Letters from Social Security

extra help

Two million people are receiving letters from Social Security to let them know about the Extra Help program for their Part D drug coverage. This is not junk mail and it is not a scam. Eleven million, or 30% of…

$126,000 Hospital Bill and Medicare

This story was originally posted in 2011. My client was shocked by his $126,000 hospital bill. When you spend the night in the hospital, you would assume you had been “admitted” to the hospital – but you could be wrong. …

Medicare Coordination of Benefits

Don’t get caught up in a coordination of benefits mess when you enroll in Medicare. Some people have Medicare as well as employer health insurance.  This has caused confusion for a few of my clients. If a person has two…

Medicare and Health Savings Accounts

I’ve had questions recently from clients who have Medicare and health savings accounts (HSA). They were wondering how they can use their HSA once they are on Medicare. Some highlights from a Money Magazine article I just read are: *There…

Hearing Aids and Medicare

Congress barred Medicare coverage of hearing aids 50 years ago because “people thought hearing loss was just a normal part of aging,” said Dr. Cassel, one of the authors of a recent JAMA editorial on hearing health policies. “They didn’t…

See your claims at mymedicare.gov

If you use your Medicare card when you see your doctor (you are not enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan), you can set up an account on mymedicare.gov.  This account will allow you to see what Medicare has paid for…