UnitedHealthcare Contract Dispute

unitedhealthcare logo

Uh oh.  A UnitedHealthcare  contract dispute with Northwest Healthcare is going to cause problems for lots of people who live on the northwest side of Tucson. Northwest Healthcare owns Oro Valley Hospital, Northwest Medical Center, and Northwest Allied Physicians. UnitedHealthcare provides…

Medicare Coverage Mistake

Thousands of people make a serious Medicare coverage mistake because they don’t know the rules.  They think they don’t need to sign up for Part B of Medicare (and pay a premium) because they have COBRA, or a retiree plan,…

Medicare Advantage Disenrollment

medicare advantage disenrollment

For people who are unhappy with their Medicare Advantage plan, there is still a way to get out of it. That is called the Medicare Advantage Disenrollment Period (MADP). The Medicare Advantage Disenrollment Period runs from January 1 – February 14th. After that,…

Medicare Part D Is Rigged System.

Medicare part d is rigged

Medicare Part D is rigged.  It is rigged to rip off seniors. This being the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period, I’m checking my clients’ drug lists and I’m finding so many things I don’t like about Part D drug coverage. How…