When it comes to healthcare costs in Tucson, we are a low-cost healthcare market compared to the rest of the country – according to a report by the Healthcare cost Institute. You can read the report summary here: Healthy Marketplace Index…
Tucson Medicare Advantage Enrollment
Medicare Help in 2017

2019 information can be found here: https://medicareblog.org/help-with-medicare-costs-5/ The income requirements for getting Medicare help in 2017 have been announced by CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid). People in Arizona can use an online application at www.healthearizonaplus.gov To get Medicare help…
UnitedHealthcare and Northwest Healthcare
UnitedHealthcare Contract Dispute
Medicare Coverage Mistake
Thousands of people make a serious Medicare coverage mistake because they don’t know the rules. They think they don’t need to sign up for Part B of Medicare (and pay a premium) because they have COBRA, or a retiree plan,…