Part D plan preferred pharmacies make using the Plan Finder difficult and confusing. That’s because only allows me to put in two pharmacies as I’m searching for drug plans for my clients. I think I am a know-it-all when…
Why I hate Medicare Part D
Carotid Artery Screening
Would you like to get a carotid artery screening, but don’t want to pay $150 or more? Tucson Medical Center (TMC) offers various vascular screenings for $25, but this month (SEPTEMBER), they will do the tests for $10 each. I’m…
Considering Medicare Advantage
Medigap with Guaranteed Issue
Turning 65 and have Obamacare
If you are turning 65 and have Obamacare health insurance, BE SURE TO CANCEL YOUR OBAMACARE PLAN! I was talking to a woman today who turned 65 in May. She was already collecting Social Security so she was automatically enrolled…