Diabetes Rose 400 Per Cent in 25 Years

The world has seen a nearly fourfold increase in diabetes cases over the last quarter-century, driven by excessive weight, obesity, aging, and population growth.  In 2014 422 million people were affected by diabetes worldwide.

Nearly 10% of Americans have some form of diabetes.

For more on this story, check out Stat News article that says:

The Geneva-based agency blamed growing consumption of food and beverages high in sugar for the increase in diabetes. The disease increased around the world but affects lower- and middle-income people more often than wealthier populations.

The increase has coincided with growing rates of obesity — in the US and Britain, two-thirds of people are now overweight or obese.

The report said WHO is updating its guidelines on fat and carbohydrate intake, but said adults can reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes through regular exercise and a healthy diet that cuts back on sugary foods.

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