Ted Cruz and Obamacare

I must give Republicans credit for the consistency of their anti-Obamacare messaging. One after  another, Republicans say the same lines over and over, and so-called “journalists” never challenge the validity of their statements.

Ted Cruz was on “Meet the Press” on Sunday and told David Gregory, “the best way to get health insurance is through a job”. Then he proceeded to say that Obamacare is killing jobs because companies want to stay under 50 employees so they don’t have to provide health insurance for their workers.  David Gregory should have pointed out the contradiction of those two statements. And he should have asked Cruz how those people are supposed to get affordable health insurance if not through their job – since Cruz doesn’t think employers should have to provide health insurance!

Cruz then moved on to the latest talking point about how companies are cutting employees’ hours to avoid having to provide health insurance for them. Why didn’t David Gregory point out that that employer mandate has been delayed for a year? Why would Obamacare be the reason for employers cutting hours now? They don’t need to do that for another year.

Next, Cruz said Obamacare has caused companies to drop coverage for spouses and how this is affecting thousands of families who are losing critical benefits (benefits he doesn’t think employers should be required to provide). Why didn’t David Gregory inform Cruz that companies like UPS are dropping spousal coverage only when those husbands or wives work and can get health insurance through their employer? Many companies have had this policy for years because they figure they shouldn’t be spending money on benefits the spouse could get from his/her own employer.

I don’t understand how politicians like Ted Cruz are allowed to go on “news” shows and tell lie after lie about Obamacare without being challenged. Is it because David Gregory and other interviewers are not well-informed about Obamacare? They should be expecting these false and contradictory statements and should be prepared to challenge them. Otherwise, they are just giving Cruz and other Republicans free air time to misinform the public about Obamacare.


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